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Graphic Designer and Advertising Agent from the Industrial Design Superior School of Paris (ESDI) and the French Technical School, Philippe Defruit has dedicated himself to the art of sculpture and painting for many years.
At the young age of 10, this Frenchman began creating original canvases and sculpting his first works.

His inspiration comes largely from the search of balance and form in accordance with natural elements.

The sculptures use perfect curves, stretched forms and curvatures to produce an airy lightness, provoking a sense of suspension in space. Depending on the natural illumination of sunlight, these timeless statues change volume and clarity, shadow and light, leaving the imagination with the freedom of multiple interpretations.

The material used for the sculptures is concrete. Usually used in construction in its strict, stiff and geometrical form, Philippe Defruit has manipulated the substance in a new way, using esthetically unusual volumes and making the material appear uniquely ethereal and feminine.

By accentuating curves and volumes in all their diversities, he creates an aesthetic harmony among all his pieces.
These sculptures, mostly set towards the sky, appeal to a cosmic energy, a source of inspiration for deep meditation.

Traveling around the world has opened Philippe up to new understandings of interpreting the natural affinity of form and color, allowing him to deepen his perception of Nature and absolute serenity.

Philippe DEFRUIT

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